Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Memory Lane.

I stumbled across a CD today and found my very first photo shoot in 2005.
I had never used a camera (other than disposable) or taken pictures of a person.
My boss sent me out with a Canon EOS 10D- no direction, no advice, nothing..
just "here you go, lets see if you have potential".
I think its interesting that I didn't have fancy equipment (no photoshop, no reflector, no expensive lenses, etc). I used the basic "Program" mode and the built in flash.
All I had to do was crop the picture and add my stamp.

That's how I got started.

Thanks to my sister, Shelby, for being my first model and for the people
who saw my pictures and told me to pursue photography as a profession.
Even tho I have been my own worst critic and held myself back over the past 3 years,
I am so happy to have discovered a love for the art.
I have a lot to learn, but am looking forward to learning it!!!


Anonymous said...

AH! I can't believe how much she has grown up in the last few years!! Funny how when you know you don't have anything to edit with you actually try harder to get good shots isn't it? These are great!

Sarah And John said...


This is that blog I was telling you about