of scenery, but you couldn't pay him to stick a person in there. My Grandma says she'd
beg him to take pictures of the kids on family vacations and he'd point the camera in their
direction and just before he took the picture, he'd refocus on something in the background
and completely cut the kids out of the shot! :) Sounds like the guy I remember...
Anyway, my Dad used to set up homemade studios in our living room and take pictures
of us. He gave me my first camera when I turned 18 (my Grandpa's Canon FT) and has
been encouraging me ever since.
My parents just got back from Kona/Oahu. Before they left I gave my Dad my point-and-shoot
and told him to bring me back blog-worthy images :)
I think he did a pretty good job!
I love that when I look at some of these, they look like pictures I would have taken myself.
I think they'll fit in just fine on this blog.
Hopefully someday soon I'll be able to see it all for myself!

Wow! These are amazing! I guess it is a family skill!It boggles my mind since I seldom can even get a decent picture of the day to day stuff with my kids.
holy cow.... your parents are incrediblE!!!!!!
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