Say hello to this little guy (who was not a fan of me or my camera)! I sure am a fan of him though. This session made me SO anxious for my little one to be born. I love this newborn stage where they are soft and warm and cute and cuddly! So much fun!
thanks Cynthia... and you were supposed to call me to do ethan's pics... but i know things have been a little crazy for you guys. call me when he's sitting up and smiling and all that fun stuff and we'll work it out :D
oh my gosh!!! how cute!! I want you to some pictures of Ethan!!
thanks Cynthia... and you were supposed to call me to do ethan's pics... but i know things have been a little crazy for you guys. call me when he's sitting up and smiling and all that fun stuff and we'll work it out :D
aw, these are so cute megan! Can't wait to see the rest. You're amazing. And those maternity are truly gifted. *sigh*
megs, I love these! My favorite is the black and white one where he's sleeping with a little smile. So sweet..
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